How To Start Your Day – Supercharge Your Body In the Morning

Your body loses about 0.5l in the night. And how you start your day determines the rest of your ~16h. I figured that I need a good amount of liquids in my body in order to have a good day ahead. After quite some practice and testing of what works for me, I’ve now gotten to easily drinking a good 2-3l water (no sugary drinks) per day. Besides, I have completely abandoned any type of sugared drinks, and only spoil myself with home-made vegetables/fruit juices.

Here’s from left to right what has become my morning routine. It’s helped me get in better shape, detox my body, and start off with the right fats.

bulletproof coffee, detox, black tea, sri lanka
Left: the yellow juice. Or – the cheapest & most efficient detox you can give your body. For 15 days, drink a litre of water with turmeric, ginger, lemon, and a tbs sea salt spread across the day. It will clean your body of heavy metals and other toxic substances that we often take through our normal consumption pattern. Besides, you will eventually also experience getting rid of certain back or hip pain and feel much more energetic in general. This is a recipe and advice from my friend Jorge Esparza, who is a biomagnetism therapist.
Middle: black tea from Sri Lanka. It doesn’t have to be from Sri Lanka, but make sure it’s fresh leaves, and not packed tea. If you’re not a fan of water in the morning (like me), then this is an easy way to drink a good 0.5l of ‘flavored’ water and to actually enjoy it. You can also do green tea or any other type of tea – just make sure it’s organic and fresh. No sugar added, please.
Right: self-made bulletproof coffee. Take high-quality coffee, add 2tbs of butter and 1tbs of coconut oil, add a bit of cinnamon (and eventually turmeric), and blend it well. Feel free to add honey or stevia if you feel like the coffee is too bitter for you. This way, you got the right fats in your body to not only be energetic for many hours but also to burn the right fats the right way. Ideally, you could be fine with this type of coffee, and not eat anything until lunch or so. It depends mostly on what type of food person you are. However, you should add at least 3-4x / week some good protein to it  – e.g. salmon, eggs, so that you don’t lose muscles (except that’s your goal 😉 ).

What do you think?